Section C1 Traffic parking and access

This section outlines provisions that support the transport vision and priorities for the local government area. It focuses on issues of safety, transport security, active health, fair access and equality in parking, environmental sustainability, transport affordability, congestion and business activity.

The vision seeks to make active transport the preferred transport method for residents. Every time someone rides or walks to work, university, the beach or local shops instead of using a car means less congestion, less noise, less pollution and better streetscapes for people. Increased parking provision directly results in increases in traffic flow and congestion, which subsequently reduces levels of service for all modes of transport.

This section seeks to prioritise the efficient movement of people and goods where possible by walking, cycling, scooting and public transport with lower levels of priority given to private vehicular transport.

This section applies to all development.

For development involving heritage items or heritage conservation areas identified under Newcastle Local Environmental Plan 2012 (LEP 2012), a merit assessment is required to ensure the outcomes sought are balanced with heritage conservation outcomes.

The following sections may also apply to development:

Associated technical manuals: 

  • Australian Standard 2890 - Parking facilities - Series
  • RMS Technical direction TDT 2004/02, Motor Bike Parking
  • NSW Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Plan, Future Transport 2056
  • CN Parking Plan 2021 - Newcastle Parking Management Framework
  • On street loading zone technical manual (once finalised)
  • Landscape Technical Manual
  • Austroads Publications and Guides

Additional information

  1. Enable and encourage measures to reduce motor vehicle dependency and increase the use of walking, cycling and public transport.
  2. Ensure suitable and equitable parking and service provision are adequate relative to the demand.
  3. The number of car parking spaces is managed to increase land use efficiency. Promote vehicular parking space management to increase land use efficiency.
  4. Ensure the design of parking, access and servicing areas is in accordance with best practice standards and ensures the safety, efficiency and useability of roads and access ways.
  5. Provide adequate and safe vehicle access to sites without compromising pedestrian access, streetscape qualities and avoid the negative impacts of large areas of car parking on the streetscape.

A word or expression has the same meaning as it has in LEP 2012, unless otherwise defined. Other words and expressions include:

  • Car pooling – (also known as ride-sharing or lift-sharing) is a system by which multiple participants coordinate their trips (for example, trips to work) to travel in a single car, thereby reducing the volume of traffic on the roads and associated impacts.

  • Car sharing – allows a member (such as an individual or business) of a car sharing scheme to access a fleet of shared vehicles, as needed, paying a subscription and / or usage fee each time. Characteristics of a typical car sharing scheme include a provider with a centralised system for booking and billing, clients (individuals/organisations), a fleet of vehicles, and parking spaces at key locations within a defined catchment area.

  • City Centre – area defined on the Newcastle City Centre map of LEP 2012.

  • Electric Vehicle distribution board – is a distribution board dedicated to Electric Vehicle (EV) charging that can supply not less than 50% of EV connections at full power at any one time during off-peak periods. This aims to minimise the impacts of maximum demand. To deliver this, the distribution board will be complete with an EV load management system and an active suitably sized connection to the main switchboard. The distribution board must provide adequate space for the future installation (post construction) of compact meters in or adjacent to that board, to enable a body corporate to measure individual EV usage in the future.

  • Electric Vehicle load management system – is to be capable of:
    • reading real time current and energy from the electric vehicle chargers under management; 
    • determining, based on known installation parameters and real time data, the appropriate behaviour of each EV charger to minimise building peak power demand whilst ensuring electric vehicles connected are fully recharged; and 
    • scale to include additional chargers as they are added to the site over time.
  • Electric Vehicle ready– involves ensuring the installation of appropriate electrical circuitry to allow for future electric vehicle charging points, by pre-wiring. This does not require the installation of a charging point. 

  • Green travel plan – is a package of initiatives aimed at reducing car travel, particularly single occupant car trips. It encourages greater use of public transport, walking and cycling by residents, employees and visitors.

  • Historic parking deficiency – is calculated by the number of parking spaces required for an existing building or use and subtracting the number of spaces currently provided for that building or use.

  • Mechanical parking – means automated vehicle stackers, vehicle lifts and vehicle turntables.

  • Stacked parking – means a parking space located above or below another parking space and is accessed by use of an automated vehicle stacker.

  • Tandem parking  means parking in which vehicles are parked immediately in front of, behind or adjacent to another vehicle on the same level.

  • Travel demand management – is intervention (excluding the provision of major infrastructure) to modify travel decisions so that more desirable transport, social, economic and/or environmental objectives can be achieved, and any adverse impacts of travel reduced.

  • Unbundled car parking – are car parking spaces separately titled from dwellings.

Development category

Application requirements

Explanatory notes

All development.

The following matters are to be addressed in this application:

    1. parking facilities provided, with details of calculations, types, number and arrangement
    2. proposed access arrangements and their compliance with design standards
    3. identification of public transport services, stops and shelters in the vicinity of the development including assessment of all pedestrian linkages to the development
    4. traffic generation, impacts expected and proposed traffic management measures.


Traffic generating development under State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021.

Other development that is not residential that may cause adverse impacts on the surrounding movement network.

Must provide a traffic impact assessment and parking survey as required by controls of this section.

A traffic impact assessment is prepared in accordance with the RTA Guide to Traffic Generating Developments.

A traffic impact assessment is a technical appraisal of the traffic and safety implications relating to a specific development. The information provided in the assessment should enable assessment of the traffic impact of a development.

Matters to be addressed in the traffic impact assessment are to include, but are not limited to:

    1. review of the existing and proposed traffic network, traffic operating conditions and flows, and parking survey of all public parking in surrounding network
    2. likely car parking supply and demand, as well as servicing requirements
    3. estimates of trip generation of the development
    4. public transport services and stops in the vicinity of the proposed development
    5. impacts of generated traffic on the surrounding road network and the locality
    6. safety of access between the site and the adjacent road network
    7. pedestrian infrastructure, generation and movements
    8. recommended improvement works
    9. linkages with existing and proposed bicycle and pedestrian routes
    10. details of public transport services and stops
    11. measures proposed to increase mode share to public transport and improve access to services.

A traffic impact assessment is to be prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced transport professional and is prepared in accordance with the RTA Guide to Traffic Generating Developments (2002), or subsequent versions. The requirement for a traffic impact assessment should be discussed at pre-lodgement. Evidence of liaison with public transport service providers and Transport for NSW is to be provided.

Major development and major additions.

Green Travel Plan (GTP).

Components/strategies of a GTP will likely vary according to the nature of the development, but may include:

    1. objectives and mode share targets (i.e., site and land use specific, measurable and achievable and timeframes for implementation) defining the GPT's direction and purpose
    2. include specific tools and actions to help achieve the objectives and mode share targets
    3. include measures to promote and support the implementation of the plan, including financial and human resource requirements, roles and responsibilities for relevant employees involved in the implementation of the GTP
    4. quantification and analysis of staff onsite working times and numbers on the site and analysis of workforce residential post code data to properly understand public transport and car parking demand and develop effective strategies in response, as well as help to inform service planning considerations
    5. statement of single occupant vehicle trips to the development estimated that will be reduced under the GTP
    6. identification and promotion through a communications strategy of public transport options to access the site (for example, on a web site, staff newsletters and/or business cards and other channels)
    7. preparation of a Transport Access Guide for the site/venue
    8. encouragement of a car pool system for employees
    9. provision of appropriate and effective bicycle parking, showers, change rooms and lockers (end of trip facilities)
    10. incentive schemes to encourage employees to commute using sustainable transport modes (such as salary sacrifice and/or novated leasing for e-bike purchases, provision of public transport vouchers/subsidised public transport tickets)
    11. consideration of car parking management strategies that may be required to encourage sustainable transport use / mode share targets (such as a fleet of e-bikes, pricing, prioritisation for those that carpool, use of wait lists, etc)
    12. allocation of designated parking spaces for a car sharing scheme
    13. prominent display of a large map of cycling routes (for example, in the foyer of a residential complex)
    14. identification of a champion and responsible party (or Committee) for the ongoing implementation of the GPT and its initiatives
    15. a detailed action plan comprising specific tasks needed to complete the proposed actions, the person/s responsible for completion of the task, completion date and anticipated costs
    16. an implementation checklist to achieve the proposed initiatives
    17. alternative actions to undertake where targets are not achieved
    18. the set-up of a steering group or committee of relevant internal and external stakeholders to inform future targets and the ongoing monitoring and revision of the GTP for five years
    19. include details regarding the methodology and monitoring/review program to measure the effectiveness of the objectives and mode share targets of the GTP, including the frequency of monitoring and the requirement for travel surveys to identify travel behaviours of users of the development.

A GTP is prepared by a suitably qualified traffic or transport consultant and submitted in support of applications for major development and major alterations and additions. 

A Transport Access Guide is a concise presentation of how to reach a site or venue using low-energy forms of transport - public transport, walking or cycling.

Development where it is likely that the demolition and construction phases of a development will significantly impact traffic movement, pedestrians, cyclists and/or parking.

A draft Construction Traffic Management Plan is to address:

    1. traffic generation associated with demolition and construction
    2. heavy vehicle routes
    3. impacts on road networks, cycle routes, pedestrian paths and parking, including frequency and duration of closures, and associated control measures – alternative safe, connected facilities are to be identified and implemented, including appropriate wayfinding
    4. proposed hours of operation in demolition and construction phases
    5. identification of all required permits to complete the works including Road Occupancy Permits, Work Zones, Hoarding Applications, or other approvals to work from the public space.

The draft Construction Traffic Management Plan is prepared in accordance with Australian Standard 1742.3 by a Transport for NSW qualified person as defined under the RMS publication Traffic Control at Work Sites.

Conditions of any consent granted may include requirements of the Construction Management Plan. 

Traffic control is carried out only by traffic controllers with certification of training in accordance with Australian Standard 1742.3.

Electric Vehicle ready (EV ready) and development installing electric vehicle charging point(s).

A development application (DA) is to be accompanied by an electric vehicle report prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced person (such as an electrical engineer), with the exception of alterations and additions to dwelling houses, semi-detached dwellings, secondary dwellings and dual occupancies with an estimated cost of equal to or more than $200,000 that involves car parking, which report is required prior to construction certificate. The electric vehicle report should include, but is not limited to:

    1. an electrical plan
    2. specifications for any off-street car parking (including electric circuitry)
    3. any electric kiosk requirements
    4. location and specifications for electric vehicle wiring and / or charging point(s).

Charging standards are defined by the NSW Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Plan, Future Transport 2056.


  1. Facilitate and encourage increased modal share to public transport and alternatives to private vehicle ownership, use and parking.

Controls (C)

Explanatory notes

C-1. For major development, recreation facilities, hospitals, community health service facilities, entertainment facilities, seniors housing or other development deemed appropriate, the following is to be provided:
    1. a bus stop and shelter are provided, except where the pedestrian entrance to the proposed development is located within 400m of an existing bus stop with shelter
    2. the bus shelters are directly connected to the entry to the development by a conveniently accessible footpath
    3. signage is installed directing patrons to public transport stops facilities, with timetable information displayed in a prominent location.

It is expected that the applicant will liaise with public transport service providers and Transport for NSW regarding the adequacy of current services and potential improvements.


  1. Enable and encourage trips by walking and cycling through adequate provision of end of trip facilities.

Controls (C) 

Explanatory notes

C-1. For non-residential development that has employees where additional floor space is being created, end of trip facilities are provided at the following rates:
  1. two personal lockers for each bicycle parking space (lockers may be utilised by people other than those cycling). Personal lockers are to be:
      1. secure and ventilated
      2. 50% of all lockers provided are to have minimum dimensions 1,200mm (height), 430mm (width) and 600mm (depth), with a rail for clothes hangers. Remaining lockers are to have minimum dimensions 650mm (height), 400mm (width) and 500mm (depth)
  2. one shower cubicle, with ancillary change rooms, per seven bicycle spaces (or part thereof over four spaces) with a minimum of one shower and change facility that can accommodate people with a disability. The ancillary change facility is to include at least one toilet, wash basin, mirror, bench, clothing hooks and power points (including shaving plugs). The ancillary change facility is to have a ventilated towel drying space, including for wet clothing
  3.  a facilities management plan is to support the operation of the end of trip facilities. This is to include but not be limited to, managing locker allocation and use to ensure that anyone who needs and will make use of a locker has access. 

Provision of facilities to shower, change and store belongings enable and encourage people to walk and cycle more. These facilities also benefit employees who choose to exercise before or after work or during meal breaks.

Locker dimensions are based on rationale that many people want to ride to work and use end of trip facilities, but do not want to carry a backpack, panniers or other luggage each day. Provision to store a week’s worth of clothing will enable many more people to ride to work regularly; and for others to hang cycle clothing and store other gear including shoes and helmet

C-2. Facilities are secure, with controlled access, and located in well-lit areas, as close as practicable to bicycle parking.

C-3. Facilities are to have a seamless, integrated flow from cycling to security access, to bike storage, to lockers and change rooms/showers.

Staff using these facilities should not have to pass through office space; nor to carry bikes down staircases

C-4. The access path to end-of-trip facilities must provide a minimum unobstructed width of:     
  1. 1.5m where the number of bicycle movements is less than 30 per hour in peak periods
  1. 2.5m where the number of bicycle movements is 30 or more per hour in peak periods. Ramp gradients must not exceed 1:12 where they are to be ridden by a bicycle rider accessing end-of-trip facilities.


C-5. Bicycle parking facilities are located to allow a bicycle to be ridden within 30m of the end-of-trip facilities. The pedestrian and bicycle access paths associated with these bicycle parking facilities must feed into and provide connections to existing path networks.


  1. Enable and encourage trips by cycling, through the provision of conveniently located, safe, secure and weather-proof site, located within the setting of the building. 

Controls (C) 

Explanatory notes

C-1. Secure and conveniently accessible bicycle parking for development is provided in accordance with the rates set out in Table C1.01. Bicycle parking areas are designed to be of a capacity large enough for the development requirements.

Note: A greater provision of bicycle parking may be required, than indicated, if warranted in particular circumstances. Historic parking deficiency does not apply to the provision of bike parking. The total number of parking to be provided is rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Provision of adequate bicycle parking on site encourages and facilitates trips by cycling.

Consideration should be given to the type of bicycle parking facility to be provided, the security arrangements, access and ease of use, having regard to the anticipated users and their duration of stay. It is necessary to provide a mix of bicycle parking facilities to meet the needs of various users.


C-2. For residential accommodation, bicycle facilities are to be designed in accordance with Austroads publication – Bicycle Parking Facilities: Updating the Austroads Guide to Traffic Management and to:
    1. be in addition and separate to the general storage provision required
    2. where cycle storage, such as a cage or communal bicycle locker, is located in front of a property, it should be:
      1. located away from the front boundary and in a discreet location where it does not intrude on the streetscape, and in a location where it is easily accessible by users
      2. be of a design that compliments the setting of the dwelling or local character. Simple wooden structures or simple metal storage products surrounded by landscaping are a common and effective solution, where structurally secure and lockable
    3. be of a secure, weatherproof and solid construction, with a material palette and design that responds to the design and material palette of the proposed development
    4. where possible, be integrated into the landscape design.
Note: These controls do not apply to visitor bicycle parking and a dwelling house as defined as per LEP 2012.

C-3. Table C1.01 describes the type of bicycle parking facility to be provided. Bicycle parking is categorised as Security Level B and Security Level C, which references Section 4.1 of the Austroads publication – Bicycle Parking Facilities: Updating the Austroads Guide to Traffic Management.

C-4. Bicycle parking complies with the relevant Australian Standard (AS2890.3).

C-5. Bicycle parking areas should allow easy access and cater for cyclists who use adapted cycles by people with a disability.

C-6. A maximum of 50% of all bicycle parking spaces are to be provided as vertical (i.e., vertical hooks or wall rack) parking spaces.

C-7. Horizontal parking spaces must provide sufficient dimension for parking of e-cargo bikes; including ease of movement and manoeuvrability.

C-8. Where bicycle parking is located inside a building, it includes the provision of 10A charging points for electric bicycles at 1 charging station for the first 5 bicycle spaces, and for every 10 bicycle parking spaces thereafter. No space is located more than 20 metres away from a charging outlet.

C-9. Bicycle parking is clearly marked and signposted.

C-10. Cyclists must not be required to lift or carry their bikes when travelling between the site boundary and the bicycle parking.

C-11. Bicycle parking facilities must comply with the following:
    1. for long-stay users, located within one level of the building entrance and no more than 30m from this entrance
    2. for short-stay users, located at-grade and on the main access route to the entrance, is clearly visible and not more than 30m from a major entrance or destination.

C-12. Where bicycle parking is provided within a car parking area, adequate sight lines are provided to ensure safety of users.

C-13. Where bicycle parking for tenants is provided in a basement car park, it is located on the uppermost level, close to entry/exit points. A well-lit, marked path of travel from the bicycle parking area to entry/exit points is provided.

C-14. Bicycle parking facility users must not be required to walk up or down vehicular ramps to access bicycle parking.

C-15. Access to bicycle parking is provided in accordance with the Austroads, Cycling Aspects of Austroads Guides (as amended or replaced), which reference Austroads Guide to Traffic Engineering Practice. Slotted drainage grates, longitudinal joint cracks and sharp gradient transitions, which provide hazards to riders, are avoided.

C-16. Bicycle parking should be located within a weather-proof area.

C-17. Bicycle parking for visitors is provided at grade near key access points to the development and in a location with good passive surveillance.


  1. Ensure development encourages and supports increased usage and demand for electric vehicles.

Controls (C)

Explanatory notes

C-1. The following controls apply to dwelling houses, semi-detached dwellings, secondary dwellings and dual occupancies, including alterations and additions with an estimated cost equal to or more than $200,000 that involves car parking:
  1. electric circuitry to accommodate ‘Level 2’ or higher standard electric vehicle charging points must be integrated to ensure future installation of an electric vehicle charging point to service at least one off-street parking space. This must include:
      1. ensuring adequate electrical capacity and infrastructure for a current or future electric vehicle charging point system
      2. providing either buried cables underground or cable trays sufficient to accommodate electric circuitry to at least one off-street parking space

b. electrical circuitry must, at a minimum, be capable of supporting a ‘Level 2’ slow—single phase, 7kW domestic charger or higher

c. prior to construction certificate, a report is to be prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced person demonstrating how the development will be EV ready. This report should also include an electrical plan, specifications for any off-street car parking and any electric kiosk requirements.

In addition to EV ready, the installation of a ‘Level 2’ or higher standard electric vehicle charging point is encouraged for alterations and additions to dwelling houses, semi-detached dwellings and dual occupancies.

Charging standards are defined by the NSW Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Plan, Future Transport 2056.

Controls under this heading will lead to a development being EV ready). Being EV ready involves ensuring the installation of appropriate electrical circuitry to allow for future electric vehicle charging points, by pre-wiring. These controls do not require the installation of a charging point but are encouraged.

C-2. The following controls apply to all other development, including alterations and additions with an estimated cost equal to or more than $200,000, that involves car parking. This does not apply to development as specified C-1.
a. electric circuitry to accommodate ‘Level 2’ or higher standard electric vehicle charging points must be integrated into all off-street car parking of residential and non-residential development to ensure that 100% of car spaces can install electric vehicle charging points in the future. This must include:
      1. ensuring adequate electrical capacity and infrastructure (cable size, distribution board size etc.) for the electric vehicle charging point system
      2. providing either buried cables underground or cable trays sufficient to accommodate electric circuitry to each car space (see Figure C1.01)
b. minimum electric circuitry for a ‘Level 2’ electric vehicle charging point, if provided, is required to be:
      1. privately available spaces: ‘Level 2’ slow – single phase with 7kW power or higher standard
      2. shared spaces: ‘Level 2’ fast – three-phase with 11-22kW power or higher standard

c. a DA is accompanied by a reort prepared by a suitable qualified and experienced person (such as an electrical engineer) demonstrating how the development will be EV Ready. This report should also include an electrical plan, specifications for any off-street car parking and any electric kiosk requirements.

C-3. The following controls apply to residential accommodation development that involves car parking, excluding dwelling houses, semi-detached dwellings, secondary dwellings or dual occupancies:
    1. provide EV Distribution Board(s) of sufficient size to allow connection of all EV Ready connections
    2. locate EV Distribution Board(s) so that no future EV Ready connection will require a cable of more than 50 metres from the parking bay to connect
    3. identify on the plans submitted with the DA, the future installation location of the cable trays from the EV Distribution Board to the car spaces allocated to each dwelling that are provided a Future EV connection, with confirmation of adequacy from a suitably qualified person (such as an electrical engineer). Spatial allowances are to be made for cables trays and EV Distribution Board(s) when designing in other services.
C-4. The following control applies to development that involves car parking, excluding dwelling houses, semi-detached dwellings, secondary dwellings or dual occupancies:
  1. development must provide 1 car parking space or 5% of all car parking spaces – whichever is greater - to have a ‘Level 2’ or higher standard electric vehicle charging point installed. A DA is accompanied by a report prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced person (such as an electrical engineer) demonstrating how the development will provide the specified electric vehicle charging point(s). This report should also include an electrical plan, specifications for any off-street car parking and any electric kiosk requirements. The total number of parking to be provided is rounded up to the nearest whole number.

Charging standards are defined by the NSW Electric and Hybrid Vehicle Plan, Future Transport 2056.

C-5. The following control applies to development that involves a service station:

  1. development must provide 4 car parking spaces or 30% of all car parking spaces - whichever is greater - to have a 'Level 3' (50kW - 350kW), or higher standard electric vehicle charging points installed. This must include:
      1. a report prepared by a suitably qualified and experienced person (such as an electrical engineer) demonstrating how the development will provide the specified electric vehicle charging points. This report should also include details on electrical capacity and infrastructure (cable size, distribution board size, load management, electric kiosk requirements etc.) for the electric vehicle charging points
      2. vehicle charging points are buried cables underground to accommodate electric circuitry to each car space (see Figure C1.02).


Figure-C1-01-Electric-vehicle-charging-pointsFigure C1.01: Electric vehicle charging points and electric circuitry provision in development with multiple car spaces using cable tray system

Figure-C1-02-Electric-vehicle-charging-points-and-electric-circuitry-provisionFigure C1.02: Electric vehicle charging points and electric circuitry provision in development with multiple car spaces using buried underground cable system


  1. Consider the integration of car share parking to establish an appropriate parking standard for the Newcastle city centre, Renewal corridors, The Junction and Hamilton B2 Local Centre zone and Darby Street mixed use zone.

Controls (C)

Explanatory notes

C-1. The following controls are to be considered in the car parking assessment:
  1. minimum car share parking for development is provided in accordance with the following rates:
    1. residential development – 1 space per 60 car spaces provided
    2. office, business, industrial or retail premises – 1 space per 40 car spaces provided
  2. the maximum amount of car parking spaces for a development is inclusive of the minimum number of parking spaces required for car share schemes  
  3. all parking spaces for car share schemes are to be:
    1. located together in closest proximity to entry and exit points of the building
    2. located adjacent to a public road and integrated with the streetscape through appropriate landscaping where the space is external
    3. signed for use only by car share vehicles
  4. parking spaces for car share schemes located on private land are to be retained as common property by the Owners Corporation of the site.



  1. Ensure car parking areas and/or structures are well-sited and designed as an integrated component of the total development and do not adversely impact on the function, safety, capacity or visual quality of the public domain or road network.

Controls (C)

Explanatory notes

C-1. Parking facilities are sited and designed to properly integrate with the overall development/building to:
    1. minimise their visual impact and any adverse impact on the continuity and amenity of street frontages
    2. located so that it is within a reasonable distance of access to the premises it serves
    3. not be positioned so as to obstruct access to the premises by pedestrians or cyclists
    4. loading areas are situated so that when in use, they do not interfere with pedestrian, cyclist or vehicular circulation.

Tandem parking within driveways must be accommodated in full parking space increments of a minimum 5.4m each. Part thereof encourages poor parking practices where vehicles protrude past the front boundary obstructing the footway. 

Figure-C1-03-Tandem-spaceFigure C1.03: Tandem space 

C-2. For Residential Accommodation, generally, car parking structures are set back a minimum distance of 5.4m from the street frontage providing access to the car parking space.

C-3. Tandem parking spaces (refer to Figure C1.03) (combined length of greater than 10.8m) are not appropriate in visitor or public parking areas, but may be acceptable in the following situations:
    1. residential developments where both spaces are attached to one dwelling
    2. reserved car parking areas where both spaces are allocated to a single tenant.
C-4. Small car spaces (as defined in AS2890.1) are permitted in development provided:
    1. small car spaces are not used for residential accommodation except as unbundled car parking provided in accordance with, and for land uses and locations specified in Table C1.03 
    2. the number of small car spaces does not exceed 10% of the total car parking provision (rounding down to nearest whole number)
    3. the number of small visitor car spaces does not exceed 10% of the total visitor car parking provision (rounding down to nearest whole number)
    4. the number of small commercial car spaces does not exceed 10% of the total commercial car parking provision (rounding down to nearest whole number)
    5. small car spaces are clearly identified and physically separated from standard-size car spaces
    6. small car spaces are not used as part of a tandem or stacked parking arrangement.

C-5. Car parking is designed to avoid the visual impact of large areas of surface car parking on the streetscape.


  1. Development ensures that vehicular access:
    1. does not dominate the streetscape or detract from the character of the area
    2. does not detract from the overall appearance or the continuity of streetscapes or streetscape elements, including street tree planting
    3. is appropriately located for the efficiency and safety of road users and pedestrians.
  2. Ensure that vehicular access is appropriately located to protect the significance of heritage items and heritage conservation areas.

Controls (C)

Explanatory notes

C-1. Vehicular crossings are designed and located in accordance with the current relevant Australian Standard (AS2890 Parking facilities) and CN specifications.

Approval for all works (such as a driveway crossing) within the public road reserve will be required under the Roads Act 1993. If the development has a frontage to a classified road, direct access (vehicle or pedestrian) may be restricted and concurrence will be required from the State road authority, being Transport for NSW (or equivalent agency if renamed, restructured or the like). NSW road network classifications can be found on Transport for NSW website.

Transport for NSW is the consent authority for traffic control signals, under the Roads Act 1993, should this form of intersection control be considered necessary for access to a development.

Direct vehicle access to a classified road is not provided wherever alternate access is available in accordance with State Environmental Planning Policy (Transport and Infrastructure) 2021

Parking and vehicular access can dominate development features and detract from the overall appearance or streetscape continuity impacting the area' amenity and character. As such, if rear lane access is attainable it is not considered appropriate or desirable to provide residential vehicular access to the primary street frontage, particularly for a development that is not site responsive, such as a 'standard design' dwelling (project home). This is especially important for older, long-standing areas/ suburbs, which usually have well-established, recognisable streetscape patterns and have traditionally used rear access.

Refer to Section E1 Built and Landscape Heritage and Section E2 Heritage Conservation Areas.

C-2. Vehicular crossings are located having regard to driver, cyclist and pedestrian safety/continuity, and impacts on traffic movement. Vehicular crossings are avoided in the following areas:
    1. in areas of high pedestrian and cyclist movement
    2. on major roads
    3. close to intersections
    4. adjacent bus stop locations
    5. where the use of the driveway may significantly obstruct through traffic.

C-3. Vehicular crossings are located to provide adequate sight distance to traffic on the frontage road and to pedestrians on the frontage road footpath, including crossing the public domain perpendicular to the boundary. Sight distances are in accordance with Australian Standards (AS2890 Parking facilities).

C-4. Design of all vehicle crossings should reinforce the priority of pedestrians and cyclists by continuing the existing footpath grade and alignment, with clear designation of the footpath area from the vehicle crossing.

C-5. Access ways and structures are designed so that vehicles are able to enter or exit the site in a single turning movement in a forward direction.

C-6. Development in smaller centre zones at Bar Beach, Beresfield (Lennox Street), Birmingham Gardens, Fletcher (Kurraka Drive / Tibin Drive and Britania Boulevarde), Kotara (Joslin Street), New Lambton (Orchardtown Road) and Merewether (Beach, City Road, Glebe Road and Llewellyn Street) does not result in more than one vehicle crossing to the development.

C-7. Vehicular crossings are positioned to maximise on-street parking and to enable whole car parks between access points.

C-8. Where rear lane access to a development is achievable, car parking is accessed from the rear lane only.

C-9. No additional vehicular crossings (other than from rear lanes) are provided to heritage items or within heritage conservation areas where these may adversely impact on streetscape continuity, the character of the built form or landscape setting.


  1. The freight and servicing demand over the lifetime of the development is identified.
  2. Development is self-sufficient by catering on-site for the full freight and servicing demands over the lifetime of the development.
  3. Design and operate freight and servicing space to be functional, efficient and safe while minimising impact on the environment and public domain.
  4. Minimise reliance on kerbside space to service existing development.

Controls (C)

Explanatory notes

C-1. Where a traffic impact assessment is required, this includes a detailed freight and servicing demand profile over the lifetime of the proposed development. For other applications the Statement of Environmental Effects is to outline the freight and servicing demand profile over the lifetime of the proposed development. Refer to Table C1.02.

Development should be self-sufficient by providing a loading dock and other facilities for all freight and servicing activities to be conducted on site rather than on the street. An On-street Loading Zone cannot be provided for the exclusive use of a particular development but rather are installed to provide the greatest benefit to the commercial centre, specifically existing business in older buildings and heritage buildings that do not have off-street facilities. Applicants are encouraged to consult with CN prior to lodgement of a DA seeking to rely on an On-street Loading Zone to meet freight and servicing demand in whole or part. 

The Freight trip generation to high density residential development (Transport for NSW May 2021) (as amended) provides surveyed trip generation rates for high density residential as a best practice guide.

The Freight and Servicing Last Mile Toolkit (Transport for NSW May 2020) (as amended) provides best practice for on-site servicing. Section 5.0 Freight Forecasting and Demand Management, explores demand profiling.

The Section 6.0 Planning and Managing Off-street Freight and Servicing Activity, toolkit's provides best practice for on-site servicing. It explores typical demand profiles for development, servicing requirements to meet demand and alternative techniques to mitigate the impacts of constrained loading docks, including:

Retime – shift freight and servicing activities outside of peak times to create opportunities for greater efficiency.

Remode – Use modes of transport that are more efficient where possible.

Reroute – Avoid using the CBD for through traffic, where feasible. Be aware of alternatives that can improve efficiency.

Reduce – Consolidate deliveries, improve vehicle utilisation, reduce trip numbers, procure sustainably and develop buildings delivery and servicing plans.

Waste collection – Refer to C6 Waste Management for specific waste management controls.

Note: Section C6 Waste management Guidelines provides full design details for CNs waste collection vehicles and requirements.

Refer to Section E1 Built and landscape Heritage.

C-2. A building or precinct provides a loading dock and/or other facilities for all freight and servicing activities to be conducted on-site which satisfies the servicing demand profile and having regard to:
      1. intended use of the site
      2. frequency of deliveries and collections
      3. size and bulk of goods
      4. size of vehicles
      5. ease, efficiency and safety of servicing activities.
C-3. Commercial development – the freight and servicing demand profile is to consider, but may not be limited to:
      1. courier deliveries and collections
      2. equipment deliveries and collections
      3. routine and emergency maintenance services (trade vehicles)
      4. office fit-out services
      5. food and beverage deliveries
      6. waste collection
      7. removalist services.

C-4. Residential development - the freight and servicing demand profile is to consider, but may not be limited to:

  1. grocery deliveries
  2. courier deliveries
  3. food delivery
  4. maintenance activity (trade vehicles)
  5. renovation services
  6. bulky item deliveries
  7. removalist services
  8. waste collection
  9. commercial deliveries if mixed-use
  10. investigate and encourage the opportunity for residential buildings to provide parking and electric charging stations for light commercial vehicles.
  11. investigate and encourage the opportunity for residential flat buildings to accommodate drone delivery capabilities by providing an adequate accessible, safe, area (rooftop, podium or ground level) for the operation of drone landing pad/s.

C-5. Access/egress, manoeuvring areas and loading dock design comply with AS2890.2 Parking Facilities: Off-Street Commercial Vehicle Facilities.

C-6. Freight and servicing facilities are designed so that when in use, they do not interfere with pedestrian, cyclist or vehicular circulation, either on or off-site or otherwise obstruct the public domain area. This is to include sufficient provision for queuing.

C-7. All service vehicle movements to and from the site are in a forward direction and manoeuvring and parking is separated from customer parking and areas with high pedestrian activity and bicycle movements.

C-8. Locate and operate servicing facilities to minimise impact upon surrounding sensitive land uses, particularly residential.

C-9. For a change of use within existing building/s with deficient loading dock infrastructure (without any or constrained), the application must show alternative servicing techniques have been explored to accommodate on-site servicing where possible before seeking reliance on kerbside road space to satisfy servicing demand. Where unable to be fully accommodated on-site, it is demonstrated that servicing (including waste collection) can occur from the kerbside efficiently, safely and without unreasonable impact on the public domain (road and footpath) or amenity of the area. CN may consider new shared kerbside servicing for heritage conservation purposes, where reasonably practicable.

C-10. The provision of taxi, pick up and drop off (PUDO) for private vehicle and bus/coach drop off/set down areas may be required, where warranted, by the proposed development. Specifically:

  1. bus set down facilities are provided, in close proximity to the main pedestrian access, for education establishments, shopping centre developments or commercial premises of more than 10,000m2, convention and exhibition centres, and other development as deemed appropriate
  2. PUDO and/or taxi zones are provided for larger scale licenced premises (excluding small bars)
  3. centre-based child care facility provides a set down bay space per 10 childcare places. For centres with less than 10 childcare places, no pick-up / set-down bay is required.


  1. Reduce car dependency and prioritise walking, cycling and use of public transport.
  2. Ensure an appropriate level and mix of parking provision within the development, having regard to the demand, avoiding parking over/undersupply impacts.
  3. Establish an appropriate parking standard for the Newcastle city centre, Renewal corridors, The Junction and Hamilton B2 Local Centre zone and Darby Street mixed use zone that recognises its locational advantages to public transport access and active transport connections to facilitate an increase in the use of public and active transport modes.
  4. Minimise inconvenience to all users of the parking spaces.
  5. Minimise impacts on the surrounding road network.
  6. Enable greater land use efficiency.

Controls (C)

Explanatory notes

C-1. The following controls apply only to the Newcastle city centre, Renewal corridors, The Junction and Hamilton B2 Local centre zone and Darby Street mixed use zone:
a. Car parking rates for all development in these areas are established based on a car parking assessment submitted with the DA which addresses the following criteria:  
        1. the size and nature of the development, including any change of use proposed, the amount of additional floor area relative to the existing floor area and the increased parking demand likely to be generated
        2. the proportion of staff, visitors or patrons likely to arrive by car
        3. the availability and level of service of public transport relative to the site and the probable transport mode of staff, visitors or patrons of the development
        4. the number of employees and their likely spread of work hours
        5. the hours of operation
        6. the location of the premises, particularly in relation to schools, local services, and employment, retail and recreational facilities
        7. the number of occasions during the year when the proposed development is likely to be fully utilised
        8. the availability of public parking within a reasonable distance of the proposed development
        9. the availability of additional parking facilities to cover peak demands
        10. the impacts of providing on-site parking
        11. anticipated impacts of not providing adequate on-site car parking ensuring no significant impact on public on-street parking provision in the area in context to the City of Newcastle (CN) Parking Plan 2021 - Newcastle Parking Management Framework

b. residential development as listed in Table C1.03 must provide no more than the number of car parking spaces specified

c. for residential development, the proposed provision of car parking within this maximum car parking rate does not prevent the reallocation of car parking through unbundling

d. for residential development, visitor car parking spaces are not to be unbundled and are to be nominated as common property in a strata subdivision.

Applicants comprehensively justify any departure from the parking rates set out in Table C1.01 or Table C1.03 in the Statement of Environmental Effects or traffic impact assessment.

Parking is one of matters for consideration in the assessment of a DA. There may be situations where it is impracticable or undesirable to provide parking on site at the rate nominated in this section, but the benefits of the proposal are significant. It is the responsibility of the applicant to show that the proposed level of parking is appropriate, or that overall, the benefits outweigh concerns regarding the level of parking provision.

It is not appropriate to request a variation to parking rates for financial reasons, to achieve a higher density, or to enable a “standard design” to fit on the site. Over-generous provision is discouraged in the light of general community goals that seek to minimise the use of non-renewable resources and boost support for the use of public transport.

C-2. The following control applies to residential development with visitor parking:

a. visitor parking is allocated, marked out on the pavement surface, clearly signposted and designated as common property on any Strata Plan.

C-3. The following controls apply only to Mixed Use Development:

  1. the total number of parking spaces for a mixed-use development is generally calculated based on the sum of required car parking spaces in respect of each use, unless it is demonstrated that an overlap of car parking demand is likely to occur
  2. the total number of spaces to be provided for each type of use of parking is rounded up to the nearest whole number.

C-4. Car parking is provided in accordance with the rates set out in Table C1.01, except for car parking for development in the Newcastle City Centre, Renewal Corridors, The Junction and Hamilton B2 Local Centre zone and Darby Street Mixed Use zone. The rates may be varied within these areas, subject to merit assessment of the proposal. The total number of spaces to be provided for each type of parking is rounded up to the nearest whole number.

C-5. Unbundled car parking is only permitted in accordance with, and for land uses and locations specified in Table C1.03.

C-6. Parking provision for major traffic generating development is assessed on merit, with particular reference to:  

  1. likely peak usage times
  2. the extent to which development will attract additional patronage, as opposed to drawing on existing visitations
  3. the likely use of public transport.

C-7. Excluding the Newcastle City Centre, Renewal Corridors, The Junction and Hamilton B2 Local Centre zone and Darby Street Mixed Use zone, parking provision for developments not listed in Table C1.01 is assessed using Transport for NSW guidelines, and/or demonstration of parking requirements from surveys of comparable establishments and the following criteria:  

  1. the size and nature of the development, including any change of use proposed, the amount of additional floor area relative to the existing floor area and the increased parking demand likely to be generated
  2. the proportion of staff, visitors or patrons likely to arrive by car
  3. the availability and level of service of public transport relative to the site and the probable transport mode of staff, visitors or patrons of the development
  4. the number of employees and their likely spread of work hours
  5. the hours of operation
  6. the location of the premises, particularly in relation to schools, local services, and employment, retail and recreational facilities
  7. the number of occasions during the year when the proposed development is likely to be fully utilised
  8. the availability of public parking within a reasonable distance of the proposed development
  9. the availability of additional parking facilities to cover peak demands
  10. anticipated impacts of not providing adequate on-site car parking ensuring no significant impact on public on-street parking provision in the area in context to the CN Parking Plan 2021 - Newcastle Parking Management Framework.


C-8. Where a development proposal involves alterations or additions to an existing building, a change in use or an intensification of use, the required on-site parking provision is based on the likely demand arising from the additions or the intensification of use, as assessed. The possibility of a future change of use is also considered when preparing a development proposal and, if appropriate, due allowance made for provision of supplementary parking spaces. This applies particularly to premises being constructed for leasing or renting or in those premises where the type of occupation could be subject to variation. Failure to provide adequate parking spaces under these circumstances could result in the refusal of a future DA for a change of use.

C-9. Where development/redevelopment is proposed that will result in a loss of on-street spaces (arising from the construction of access, loading facilities etc.), such spaces may be required to be replaced on site.

C-10. Mechanical parking installations, stacked parking and tandem parking will only be permitted on the site where:

  1. there is a demonstrated need for this type of parking arrangement
  2. it will not adversely affect the safe, efficient and effective use of the site
  3. the spaces are attached to the same title
  4. the design enables manoeuvring of stacked and tandem parked vehicles wholly within the site.

C-11. Stacked and tandem parked vehicles must not be used for visitor parking spaces or car share scheme parking spaces.

C-12. Where an off-street car park or servicing area is provided to serve a development, unobstructed access is to be provided to allow an ambulance vehicle to load and stand at grade entirely onsite.

C-13. Any departures from the parking rates set out in Table C1.01 or Table C1.03 must address the following:

  1. the objectives of this section
  2. the size and nature of the development, including any change of use proposed, the amount of additional floor area relative to the existing floor area and the increased parking demand likely to be generated
  3. the applicability of other adopted CN policies relating to transport management
  4. the mix of uses, the hours of operation and timing of peak demand for each use, including any overlap of parking demand
  5. results of any comprehensive parking survey submitted in support of the application
  6. whether a Green Travel Plan has been provided and a written agreement between CN and the owner/occupier is established for implementation of the Green Travel Plan
  7. whether a car sharing scheme is proposed to be implemented
  8. access to public transport services and the probable transport mode of staff and patrons or customers of the development
  9. availability and accessibility of public parking facilities in the vicinity of the proposed development
  10. the availability of kerb-side parking opportunities in the vicinity of the proposed development
  11. continuity, streetscape and heritage significance
  12. existing and likely future traffic volumes on the surrounding road network, traffic circulation and safety
  13. the impacts of providing on-site parking
  14. anticipated impacts of not providing for adequate on-site car parking.

Refer to Section E1 Built and Landscape Heritage and Section E2 Heritage Conservation Areas.

C-14. For alterations, additions or change of use of an existing building, a departure from the rates set out in Table C1.01 or Table C1.03 may be considered if a historic parking deficiency applies. However, a historic parking deficiency does not apply in the case of total redevelopment of a site.

C-15. Car parking spaces are created as separate lots in the strata plan and are not allocated to individual units.

C-16. Designated vehicle sharing spaces are retained as common property in the strata plan and are:

  1. clearly marked and sign-posted as vehicle share spaces
  2. located so that they are accessible to the public at all times.


  1. Provide motorbike parking to meet likely demand.

Controls (C)

C-1. Motorbike parking for development is provided in accordance with the rates set out in Table C1.01. A greater provision of motorbike parking may be required than indicated where warranted in the particular circumstances. The total number of parking to be provided is rounded up to the nearest whole number.

C-2. Motorbike parking complies with the relevant Australian Standard (AS2890 Parking facilities) and RMS Technical direction TDT 2004/02, Motor Bike Parking.


  1. Ensure adequate provision of accessible parking.
  2. Provide conveniently located and signposted accessible parking.
  3. Improve the accessibility and inclusiveness of our city and community.
  4. Provide opportunities for people of all ages, ability levels and backgrounds to engage fully in home, civic, economic and social life.

Controls (C)

C-1. The provision of accessible parking spaces is in accordance with the National Construction Code or the minimum rates specified below (where the development requires car parking), whichever is the greater.

    1. class 1b buildings — 1 space for each accessible unit
    2. class 2 buildings — 1 space for each accessible unit and at least 1 visitors’ space
    3. class 3 buildings — whichever is the greater:
      1. at least 1 space for each accessible unit
      2. at least 1 space every 33 spaces

d. class 4 buildings — 1 accessible space

e. class 5, 6, 7, 8, 9b or 9c buildings — at least 1 space every 33 spaces

f. class 9a buildings — at least 1 space every 25 spaces.

The required number of accessible parking spaces for unspecified developments will be assessed on the individual merits of the proposal, with regard to the nature and scale of the proposed development.

C-2. Accessible parking is designed and constructed in accordance with current relevant Australian Standards (AS2890) under the National Construction Code.

C-3. Accessible parking spaces are identified by a sign incorporating the appropriate international symbol. The signage and indicative directions are visible from a vehicle at the entrance to the car park.

C-4. Accessible parking spaces are located close to wheelchair accessible entrances or lifts.

C-5. A continuous accessible path of travel is provided from each accessible parking space to the closest accessible public entrance.

C-6. Accessible parking spaces are provided on a level surface with a grade (parallel to or at 90 degrees to the angle of parking) no greater than 1 in 40.

C-7. The minimum floor to ceiling clearance above accessible parking spaces is 2.5m and the minimum floor to ceiling height clearance throughout the accessible path of travel is 2.3m.

C-8. The applicant is required to demonstrate how parking restrictions are enforced. Where parking is publicly accessible, an agreement is required with the owner/operator of the premises to allow compliance officers to enter the site to enforce parking restrictions. Should such an arrangement be mutually agreed, it will be included as a condition of consent, on any consent granted.


  1. Ensure adequate provision of platinum level car spaces to move around a vehicle.
  2. Enable home occupants to easily enter and exit the dwelling.

Controls (C)

C-1. Where dwellings are required to meet platinum level, car spaces and access are designed and constructed as per the Livable Housing Guideline, 2017.


  1. Ensure that parking areas, parking structures and vehicular access:
    1. are integrated into buildings and are not visually prominent from the public domain
    2. do not dominate the continuity or appearance of the streetscape or detract from the character of the area
    3. are able to be adapted in response to changing future transport mode/s or demand
    4. utilise design and construction methods for at grade and above ground car parking areas that enable adaptable reuse in the future for residential, commercial or other permissible uses
    5. do not reduce access for service vehicles.
  2. Ensure parking areas and structures are designed to be easily and safely negotiated by vehicles and pedestrians.

Controls (C)

Acceptable solutions (AS)

C-1. Car parking provided at or above ground level has horizontal flooring and a minimum floor to ceiling height of 4m with a minimum clearance height of 3.5m. For the next two floors above, the floor to ceiling height is to be 3.3m. This will enable the development to being adapted to an alternative use in future and to provide for service vehicles.

AS-1. Wherever possible, car parking structures such as multi-level car parks, enclosed half-basement or single-storey car parks, incorporate active uses along the ground level frontage.

C-2. Car parking provided at or above ground level demonstrates what infrastructure will be incorporated into the carpark areas of the building to allow for the easy transition to habitable land uses in the future. This includes consideration of:

  1. retrofitting of utilities and services (water, electricity, and internet)
  2. building code requirements for a range of uses
  3. removable ramps
  4. greater reinforcement, such as steel (as residential/commercial spaces are heavier than car parks).

AS-2. Parking layout facilitates efficient parking search patterns. Dead-

end aisles are avoided.

C-3. Loading docks including their accessways, are to have a minimum clearance height of 4.5m.

C-4. No sprinklers or other services shall encroach within the clear head clearance height requirement.

C-5. The facade of an above ground parking structure is:

  1. designed and finished to complement the architecture of the building and must not present as a car park to the streetscape to ensure the building retains high architectural quality and visual appearance
  2. designed to avoid domination of ramps or strong horizontal and/or vertical features.

C-6. Covered or enclosed parking areas have adequate provision of lighting and ventilation. Natural lighting is preferred.

C-7. Design and construction of parking, set down areas and loading facilities comply with the provisions of AS2890 Parking facilities.

C-8. Clear signage and pavement markings are provided on site to manage traffic movements, driver behaviour and provide warning of potential safety hazards.

C-9. Where development is expected to generate vehicle movements during hours of darkness, self-illuminated and/or reflective signage and pavement markings are provided.

C-10. Within parking areas of larger than ten car spaces, segregated routes for pedestrian and bicycle movements are created, using line marking, pedestrian crossings, signage and/or speed bumps.

Note 1:  Bicycle parking is categorised as Security Level B or C, which references Section 4.1 of the Austroads publication – Bicycle parking facilities: Updating the Austroads guide to traffic management.

Note 2: All development needs to consider the objectives and controls under Section 11.0 and meet EV requirements.


Land use

Car parking

Bike parking

Motorbike parking

Centre-based child care facility

Note:  Additional parking may be required for those centres which have a high ratio of staff to children in care.

Note:  The parking standard may be varied depending on location. A traffic impact assessment may be required to support the proposal, including a parking assessment with survey of similar developments. 

1 space for every 4 children in attendance


1 pick-up/set-down bay per 10 childcare places, with minimum dimensions of 2.6m x 6m to allow loading/unloading of prams and courier deliveries. For centres with less than 10 childcare places, no pick-up / set-down bay is required.

1 space per 7 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 7 childcare places (Security Level B), ensuring horizontal parking sufficient for e-cargo bikes


Commercial (business, office, retail)

Office premises

1 space per 50m2 GFA

1 space per 200m2 GFA 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 400m2 GFA 

(Security level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Vehicle sales or hire premises

1 space per 130m2 gross display area plus additional parking for workshop or service bay

1 space per 15 staff (Security level B)

1 space per 10 staff (Security Level C)



Specialised retail premises

1 space per 60m2 GFA

1 space per 15 staff (Security Level B)

1 space per 10 staff (Security level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Roadside stall

No acceptable solution. Assessed as a merit-based assessment.


1 space per 20 car spaces


1 space per 40m² GLFA

2 spaces per 200m2 GFA 

(50% Security Level B, 50% Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Shopping centres

0-10,000m2 GLFA - 6.1 spaces per 100m2 GLFA

10,000-20,000m2 GLFA - 5.6 spaces per 100m2 GLFA

20,000-30,000m2 GLFA - 4.3 spaces per 100m2 GLFA

Over 30,000m2 GLFA - 4.1 spaces per 100m2 GLFA

2 spaces per 200m2 GFA 

(50% Security Level B, 50% Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Food and drink premises

Pub and club (registered club)

Note:  Car parking rates are a guide. Survey based assessment should be done and comparisons with similar developments. Additional parking required for dining etc. Parking requirements to be based on activity mix.

1 space per 2 staff plus 1 space per 15mof licensed floor area (bar, lounge) for visitors

1 space per 20 accommodation rooms plus 1 space per 25m2 bar area plus 1 space per 100m2 lounge, beer garden 

(Security Level B) for staff

2 spaces per 25m2 bar area plus 1 space` per 100m2 lounge, beer garden 

(Security Level C) for visitors

1 space per 20 car spaces

Restaurant or cafe

1 space per 10m2 GFA or 1 space per 5 seats

1 space per 100m2 GFA (Security Level B)

1 space per 100m2 GFA (Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Take away food and drink premises

Developments with no on-site seating - 6 spaces per 100m2 GFA

Developments with on-site seating but no drive through: 6 spaces per 100m2 GFA or greater of: 1 space per 10 seats (internal and external), or 1 space per 4 seats (internal) 

Developments with on-site seating and drive through facilities: greater of: 1 space per 4 seats (internal), or 1 space per 6 seats (internal and external) plus queuing area for 5 to 12 cars 

1 space per 100m2 GFA 

(Security Level B) for staff

1 space per 50m2 GFA 

(Security Level C) for visitors

1 space per 20 car spaces

Educational establishments


Note:  The parking standard may be varied depending on location and will require the provision of additional parking where a school auditorium is proposed. A traffic impact assessment may be required to support the proposal.

1 space per 2 staff 

1 space per 100 students for visitors

1 space per 7 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 5 students

(Security level B)

1 space per 10 students 

(Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces.

University or TAFE establishment

1 space per staff plus 1 space per 3 students

1 space per 15 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 7 students

(Security level B)

1 space per 10 students 

(Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Entertainment facility

Entertainment facility

Note:  A traffic impact assessment may be required to support the proposal, including a parking assessment with survey of similar developments.

Survey required. As a guide, 1 space per 3 seats

1 space per 15 staff 

(Security Level B) 

1 space per 10 visitors 

(Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Health services facility

Health consulting rooms

Note: A parking assessment with survey of similar developments may be required. 

1 space per practitioner plus 1 space per 2 other staff

2 spaces per practitioner for visitors

1 space per 7 practitioners 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 7 staff 

(Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces


Note:  The parking standard may be varied depending on location. A traffic impact assessment may be required to support the proposal, including a parking assessment with survey of similar developments. Ambulance parking facilities are to be provided.

1 space per 2 staff

1 space per 3 beds for visitors

1 space per 10 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 7 staff 

(Security Level C) for visitors

1 space per 10 car spaces

Industrial activity

Artisan food and drink

0.4 space per patron or 1 space per 40 m2 GFA, whichever is the greater

1 space per 100m2 GFA 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 20 car spaces

All other industrial activity

1 space per 100m2 GFA or 1 space per 2 staff, whichever is the greater

1 space per 15 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 20 car spaces


No acceptable solution. Assessed as a merit-based assessment.

1 space per 15 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 10 staff 

(Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Warehouse or distribution centre

1 space per 200m² GFA or 1 space per 2 staff (whichever is greater)

1 space per 15 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Recreational facilities

Bowling alleys

No acceptable solution. Assessed as a merit-based assessment.

1 space per 15 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 7 staff 

(Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Bowling greens

No acceptable solution. Assessed as a merit-based assessment.

1 space per 15 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 7 staff 

(Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces


Minimum 4.5 spaces per 100m²

1 space per 15 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 7 staff 

(Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Squash courts

No acceptable solution. Assessed as a merit-based assessment.

1 space per 15 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 7 staff 

(Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Tennis courts

No acceptable solution. Assessed as a merit-based assessment.

1 space per 15 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 7 staff 

(Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Residential accommodation

Attached dwellings, Dual occupancies, Multi dwelling housing, Residential Flat Buildings, Semi-detached dwellings, Shop Top Housing


City wide (excluding Newcastle City Centre, Renewal Corridors, The Junction and Hamilton B2 Local Centre zone and Darby Street Mixed Use zone):

Minimum of 1 space per dwelling.

Minimum 1 space for the first 5 dwellings (excluding dual occupancies) plus 1 space for every 5 thereafter or part thereof for visitors.

Bike parking of 1 space per dwelling is required (The required security level – A or B will be determined)

1 space per 7 dwellings 

(Security Level C) for visitors

1 space per 20 car spaces

Boarding house

1 space plus 1 space per 2 bedrooms

1 space per 7 bedrooms 

(Security Level B) for staff/residents

1 space per 10 bedrooms 

(Security Level C) for visitors

1 space per 20 car spaces


1 space plus 1 space per 2 bedrooms

1 space per 7 bedrooms 

(Security Level B) for residents

1 space per 10 bedrooms 

(Security Level C) for visitors

1 space per 20 car spaces

Dwelling house

1 space per dwelling < 125m²

2 spaces per dwelling > 125m²



Group home

1 space plus 1 space per 2 bedrooms

1 space per 7 bedrooms 

(Security Level B) for staff/residents

1 space per 10 bedrooms 

(Security Level C) for visitors

1 space per 20 car spaces

Seniors housing or people with a disability

Refer to SEPP (Housing) 2021

Refer to SEPP (Housing) 2021

Refer to SEPP (Housing) 2021

Restricted premises

Sexual entertainment establishment

Note:  A traffic impact assessment to support the proposal, including a parking assessment with survey of similar developments may be required.

Survey required.

1 space per 15 staff

(Security Level B)

1 space per 15 staff for visitors

(Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Tourist and visitor accommodation

Bed and breakfast accommodation

1 space per dwelling < 125m² or 2 spaces per dwelling > 125m²

1 space per 2 guest bedrooms for visitors


1 space per 20 car spaces

Hotel, Motel or Serviced apartment accommodation

Note: The parking requirement may be varied depending on the location.

1 space per 2 staff plus minimum 0.5 spaces per unit

Hotel or Motel:

1 space per 15 units 

(Security Level B)

Serviced Apartment:

1 space per 5 apartments 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 15 apartments 

(Security Level C) for visitors

1 space per 20 car spaces



Home business or home industry 

Note:  Parking requirements will be based on the proposed use and operational details. 

At minimum, parking requirements for applicable residential accommodation, are to be satisfied, with additional on-site parking for staff at a rate of 1 space per 2 staff and customer parking as appropriate. 



Place of Public Worship

Note:  A traffic impact assessment to support the proposal, including a parking assessment with survey of similar developments may be required.

Survey required. As a guide, 1 space per 4 seats.

1 space per 10 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 10 visitors 

(Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Community facility (Indoors)

1 space per staff plus 1 space per 3 visitors

1 space per10 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 10 students 

(Security Level C)

1 space per 20 car spaces

Service station

1 space per 20m2 GFA of any ancillary convenience store

4 or 30% of all car parking spaces - whichever is greater - must include a 'Level 3' or higher standard electric vehicle charging points. 

Additional parking required if development includes restaurant or take-away food outlet. 

1 space per 20 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 10 staff 

(Security Level C) for visitors


Vehicle repair station

6 spaces per work bay plus 1 space per 20m²
  GFA of any ancillary convenience store.

1 space per 20 staff 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 10 staff 

(Security Level C) for visitors


Veterinary hospital

1 space per practitioner plus 1 space per two other staff

1 space per practitioner for visitors

1 space per 7 practitioners 

(Security Level B)

1 space per 7 staff for visitors

1 space per 20 car spaces

Table C1.01: Parking rates

Land use

Requirements for delivery and service vehicles

Commercial premises (50% of spaces adequate for trucks)

<20,000m2 GFA 1 space per 4,000m2 GFA

>20,000m2 GFA 5 + 1 space per 8,000m2 over 20,000m2

Department stores (all spaces adequate for trucks)

<6,000m2 GFA 1 space per 1,500m2 GFA

>6,000m2 GFA 4 + 1 space per 3,000m2 over 6,000m2

Supermarkets, shops and restaurants (all spaces adequate for trucks)

<2,000m2 GFA 1 space per 400mGFA

>2,000m2 5 + 1 space per 1,000m2 over 2,000m2

Wholesale, industrial (all spaces adequate for trucks)

<8,000m2 GFA 1 space per 800m2

>8,000m2 10 + 1 space per 1,000m2 over 8,000m2

Hotels and Motels (50% of spaces adequate for trucks)

<200 bedrooms or bedroom suites 1 space per 50 bedrooms plus 1 space per 1,000m2 of public area set aside for bar, tavern, lounge and restaurant

>200 bedrooms or bedroom suites 4 + 1 per 100 bedrooms over 200 plus 1 space per 1,000m2 of public area set aside for bar, tavern, lounge and restaurant

Residential flat buildings (50% of spaces adequate for trucks)

<200 flats or home units 1 space per 50 flats or home units

>200 flats or home units 4 + 1 per 100 units over 200

Other uses (50% of spaces adequate for trucks)

1 space per 2,000m2

 Table C1.02: Requirements for delivery and service vehicles

Land use

Car parking

Residential accommodation

Newcastle city centre, Renewal corridors, The Junction and Hamilton B2 Local Centre zone and Darby Street mixed use zone

Attached dwellings, dual occupancy, multi dwelling housing, residential flat buildings, semi-detached dwellings, shop top housing

Small 1 bedroom – maximum average of one space per dwelling

Medium 2 bedrooms – maximum average of one space per dwelling

Large 3+ bedrooms – maximum average of two spaces per dwelling

Visitor parking – no minimum with a maximum rate of 1 visitor space per 5 dwellings

Table C1.03: Residential development parking rates applying to the Newcastle city centre, Renewal corridors, The Junction and Hamilton B2 Local Centre zone and Darby Street mixed use zone